Wednesday 19 November 2014


 I have a hard time relaxing and switching off. 

Especially at the moment, things are in full crazy mode at work and I often feel like once I leave for the evening, I blink and I'm back there again the next morning. 

My work/life balance is very off at the moment and it's finally starting to get under my skin.

I decided that I need to change that, or I'll be on my way to burning out pretty soon. 

I've been taking 10 or so minutes out of my evenings to add a little zen to my routine, I've found a great Yoga routine and also an instructor who I can listen to and don't want to throttle.

I'm really enjoying it so far, I have been meaning to join a local yoga class for a few months, but I'm useless and need I say more.

I'll link the video below, if you are interested or just need a little zen with added flexibility in your life as well.




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